
Planning the next incarnation…

Great Vid by James Daniel.


Till Next time, Swimmers

The Good Swimmer ends its run at Prototype Festival…stay tuned for next incarnation.

The Good Swimmer at HERE__0384_.jpg

The Good Swimmer: Five more shows @Prototype Festival

The Good Swimmer at HERE

Photo by Jill Steinberg

The Good Swimmer at Prototype Festival


Opening night: The Good Swimmer

Prototype Festival, January 7-17th





The Good Swimmer

The Good Swimmer/Prototype Festival January 7-17: Projection by Greg Emetaz


Buzz for our musical lifeguards…


Laura Gets Her Due

“Indeed, an excellent corrective to “Walden” is the work of Laura Ingalls Wilder, who grew up on those prairies, and in a genuine little house in the big woods. Wilder lived what Thoreau merely played at, and her books are not only more joyful and interesting than “Walden” but also, when reread, a thousand times more harrowing.”

Read great article by Kathryn Schultz @NewYorker.  She has a new fan.


Je peux jouer?

STAG with French subtitles.  It’s happened.

Que intérêt trouves tu dans les jeux de carte des mecs?

Ms. Love says, See STAG in LA. Coming soon.


Q and A with filmmakers: STAG

Follow @ddinovelli